Philadelphia Safety 2025 PDC – Call for Speakers

The ASSP Philadelphia Chapter invites presentation proposals for our full-day Professional Development Safety Conference. The conference will be held on Thursday June 5, 2025, at the Camden Aquarium. We are anticipating 8 speaker slots.

The mission of the conference is to provide a first-class event for occupational safety and health professionals to learn, network, and grow professionally. Topics submitted should serve to advance the field of occupational safety and health, address key issues, improve professional skills, and/or address emerging challenges.

Topics can be either field-specific or broad safety topics for all safety professionals. You may submit on any EH&S topic. Proposals should allow attendees to be actively engaged and include techniques and best practices in one of the tracks listed below.  Key areas of interest based on our Membership and Meeting Attendee surveys include: 

  • Construction Safety
  • Leadership
  • Safety Culture
  • Emerging Issues in EH&S
  • Machine Guarding
  • Heat Stress
  • Training
  • Process Safety
  • Sustainability
  • Risk Management
  • Hazard Mitigation
  • Legal and Ethics

Speakers should design and practice their presentations to run inside of 45 minutes including the question-and-answer portion (e.g. 35 minutes plus 10-minute Q&A).

Deadline for submittal will be March 21, 2025.

To be considered for the PDC, all potential speakers must submit a proposal meeting no less than the information below:

  • Submit materials in word or pdf format via email to The Subject Line must contain “2025 PDC Submittal”
  • Proposal must contain:
    • Provide a description of your proposed presentation sufficient to evaluate the content and assess the level of interest for attendees. The description should be no more than one page.
      • List at least two (2) of the learning outcomes you expect attendees to achieve in this session. For each speaker, include a short biographical summary including current position, relevant qualifications, speaking experience and contact information.

Honoraria: Speakers will receive a complimentary conference registration, including lunch and a small gift in appreciation. 

The Speaker selection committee will select the speakers and provide notification of our decisions by Date

If Selected:

  • All presentations must adhere to ASSP branding guidelines and use the approved ASSP PowerPoint template available on the National Website.
  • If you are selected, you will also be required to submit a 100-word program summary for our conference website and communication. 
  • Copy of any slides or handouts for Committee Review by Date.
  • Speakers are responsible for their own printing if handouts are being used.

If you have any questions, please contact Helen Rush, Philly ASSP Chapter VP